Far Infrared Mat Do’s and Don’t’s

  • Do not put your far infrared mat into water or use the device in wet or excessively humid areas.
  • Do not use the device when your hands and body are wet.
  • Do not heat the controller by placing it on your mat.
  • Do not use at high temperatures overnight.
  • Do not use above 95 -104°F (35 – 40°C) if you have piercings or any other metal on your body unless that part of your body is off the mat or is removed.
  • Do not use the device if you are the recipient of Titanium, Metal, Ceramic, Silicon or Plastic surgical implants without checking with your physician before use.
  • Do no use at high temperatures if you are pregnant, use only at lower temperatures for the negative ion benefits.
  • Do not overuse this device on maximum temperature, which may result in excessive stimulation. Use moderately on a high temperature.
  • Do not keep your head on the heated portion of the amethyst mat for long periods of time. The bio pillow with amethyst, and no heating element, is strongly recommended.
  • Do not continue using your mat if it, or the controller, is damaged in any way.
  • Do increase water intake before and after sessions. Do not allow yourself to get dehydrated.
  • Do start slowly at low settings and gradually increase duration and temperature to suit you personally.
  • Do contact a vet before using the device on your pet, and always supervise sessions.
  • Do hold both ends of the mat plug when extracting the cord. Do not pull from the cord.